How do I choose the right COVID-19 VTM TEST KITS?

How do I choose the right COVID-19 VTM TEST KITS?

The quality of sample and reagents influences the quality of test results


Viral Transport Medium (VTM) is intended for the collection and transport of clinical samples containing viruses, chlamydiae, mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas from the collection site to the testing laboratory. It allows the safe transfer of viruses, chlamydia and mycoplasma for further research, including conventional cell culture methods, diagnostic tests, and molecular biology techniques.


Generally speaking, there are two types of tests related to COVID-19: molecular tests used to detect the presence of the novel coronavirus, named SARS-CoV-2, and serology tests used to detect the presence of antibodies.


To find the right test kit directly from the manufacturing centers or suppliers, you can acquire a quality testing kit at a substantial volume by knowing the availability, the advancements, and other specifications like a rapid strep test. Nowadays, the kits obtained from third-party sellers or e-commerce is not that absolute. To fix this, you can get complete contact information of the manufacturing industry from Infodataplace and Emaildatabase marketing. Once you contact the manufacturing industry directly, you get effective testing kits.


Currently, there is still a shortage of COVID-19 test kits in the USA. Initially, only the CDC’s test kits were approved for use, more and more resources have become available as regulations have opened up due to the need for more testing. The CDC, despite initially faulty reagents making its first test kits unreliable, is now offering accurate RT-PCR Diagnostic Panels and positive and human specimen controls. These days, besides CDC test kits, there are efficient kits available that are accurate and commonly in use.



