FPV/FHV/FCV Antibody Test Cassette

The FPV/FHV/FCV Antibody Test Cassette is a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for the quantitative detection of Feline Panleucopenia Virus Antibody, Feline Herpes virus Antibody and Feline Calicivirus Antibody in Feline’ s serum or plasma with the use of Fluorescence Immunoassay Analyzer. (Test Range: 1 U~ 6 U) (Sampling volume: Serum/plasma:30 μL)

Product Features

High Accuracy

Stringent Quality Control Insure High Quality

Fast Result(15 Minutes)

Simple Operation(Less Training Required)

Product Specification

  • PrincipleFluorescence Immunoassay
  • FormatCassette
  • SpecimenS/P
  • Reading Time15 minutes
  • Pack10 T
  • Storage Temperature2-30°C
  • Shelf Life2 Years

Ordering Information

Cat. No. Product Specimen Pack Cut-Off
VF-FPHC-335-A FPV/FHV/FCV Antibody Test Cassette S/P 10 T -

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