Multi-Drug Test Cassette (Urine)

A Fluorescence Immunoassay for the simultaneous, quantitative detection of multiple drugs and/or drug metabolites in human urine with the use of the Fluorescence Immunoassay Analyzer.

Product Features

The Multi-Drug Test Cassette is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the quantitative  detection of multiple drugs and/or drug metabolites in human urine at the following  concentrations:

Test                                   Calibrator                          Cut-off (ng/mL)

Amphetamine (AMP)    d-Amphetamine                      1,000/500

Barbiturates (BAR)        Secobarbital                               300 

Benzodiazepines (BZO) Oxazepam                                  300 

Cocaine (COC)             Benzoylecgonine                      150/300 

Marijuana (THC)      11-nor-Δ -THC-9 COOH                  50 

Methadone (MTD)         Methadone                                  300 

Methamphetamine (MET) d-Methamphetamine          500/1000 

Opiate (OPI/MOP)         Morphine                               1,000/2,000 

Morphine(OPI/MOP)     Morphine                                     300 

Phencyclidine (PCP)  Phencyclidine                                25 

Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) MDMA     500 

alpha-Pyrrolidinovalerophenone (α-PVP) α-PVP           300

Product Specification

  • FormatCassette
  • SpecimenUrine

Ordering Information

Cat. No. Product Specimen Pack Cut-Off
FI-DOA-1X5 Multi-Drug Test Cassette(Urine) Urine -

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